Forthcoming Events at Shekinah
Guided retreat 'Joy in the trials of Life'
Why not join us, fellowship, Bible discussion, country walks, craft or just quiet space.
Come for the day or overnight. You will be welcome.
Shekinah Volunteer working party
Working together to improve the grounds. LUNCH PROVIDED
Do let us know if you can help

Passover Meal
Monday 22nd April
6:30pm Sedar meal £20 pp
With stay over £55 pp
Please ring centre to book your place or email
Guided Retreat: Life with HOPE
Come for the day, Lunch and evening dinner OR stay over to include breakfast
Day rate £45
Overnight rate £65
Please emaiing Shekinah to book your place, places are limited.
Guided Retreat 'What's Love got to do with it?'
Time of fellowship, Craft, walking in nearby countryside, exploring the bible together and good food. Please visit our Facebook page or contact us for further details.
Join us for the day or stay.